
Directory Listings After the Match

Applies to: BAPIC, CAPIC

View Updated Tracks and Directory Listings After the Match

Following the Match, the Directory Search view remains visible for students to access.

The number of Open Positions listed for each track is updated and remains visible in the directory.

This allows students who did not make a match to log in and easily see which sites are still looking to hire more students, so they can try to find a position.

Site Administrators can easily update their available openings at any time by logging into the site and editing their track.


How Track Openings Update After the Match

Site Administrators choose whether or not to opt into the post-match-phase listings.

Opt-In to Post-Match: If a Track opts into the Post-Match Phase, the number of Openings listed will automatically be decreased by the number of successful matches the track made with students in the algorithmic match. The number of remaining openings will be listed for the track. This number can be updated at any time by Site Administrators as they hire more students and their circumstances change.

Opt-Out of Post-Match: If a Track opts out of the Post-Match phase, all openings will automatically be set to 0 following the algorithmic match. The openings can still be updated at any time by Site Administrators if they wish to seek more students after the match


Site Admins: How to Opt In or Opt Out

On the Student Ranking page for each track, set the toggle to opt in or out. If the toggle is gray, you have opted out. If the toggle is blue, you are opted in and will have openings listed after the match.


Please Note: Some matching organizations choose to 'opt-in' all tracks by default, and site administrators can choose to opt out. Other organizations default to 'opt-out' and then site admins will need to set the flag to opt into the post-match phase. Be sure to set the flag correctly for each track you manage.

Terminology Note: The post-match phase may be called Clearinghouse,' 'Open Match,' 'Free Agency,' or some other name. This language is customized on PracticumFit based on the term used by your matching organization. In this article we refer to it as the Post-Match Phase

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