
Site Admins: Managing your Site's Tracks

Applies to Site Administrators at BAPIC, CAPIC, SCAPTP

The Tracks page is the landing page for practicum or internship site administrators. This page gives an overview of the tracks associated with your practicum/internship site. From here, you can add tracks or modify the number of openings in each track. You can also see the number of students who have applied to a track, and the matches which have been made will show after Match Day.



Here you can edit and delete tracks by clicking the icons. Be aware that a delete action will remove this track from any rank lists of students who have applied to and ranked it. It will delete any applications hosted on the platform which have been submitted to the track as well.

Track Name

This column shows the track name and lists every track associated with your site.

Track Description

Optionally add additional information so other users can clearly understand the differences between your tracks.

Track Type

Select from Full Time, Half-Time, or other options as specified by your Match Organization


In this field, you can modify the number of openings in a specific track.

  1. Click in the field and scroll to or type a number. A green checkbox icon and black X icon appear.
  2. Click the checkbox to save the new number, or click the X icon to reset the field.


This column lists the number of students who you have ranked for a track. Click the Add or Rank button or the hyperlinked number to see the Applicants page, which has more information on each student.


Add, Delete, and Rename Tracks

Adding Tracks

The mceclip2.png symbol in the upper right of the Manage Tracks table allows you to create new Tracks for your Site. 

You must enter a Track Name, Track Type if that dropdown is present, and a Number of Openings to indicate how many applicants you are hoping to hire into that track.

PracticumFit Only: If you have just created a new track, it will not have relationships with any School Programs. You must visit the Track Relationships tab to affiliate your track with one or more Schools you wish to work with after creating it.

Editing Tracks

The Edit Icon allows you to add new tracks to your training site.

  1. Click the Edit icon. The track information fields become editable.
  2. Modify your Track Name see below for more details on Renaming Tracks).
  3. Enter the number of Openings in the track by typing in the field, clicking the up and down arrows, or using the scroll button on your mouse.
  4. Click the Check Mark button to update this track.

Deleting Tracks

You can delete a track from the Tracks page. Click the Delete icon on the track listing and then click OK in the warning that opens. 

Important: Deleting a track will remove all information about it from the platform. All ranking, openings, and program associations will be lost and cannot be recovered. 

PracticumFit Only: Deleting a track will remove the relationships between your track and the School Programs which had approved it. If that was your last Track that was connected to a Program, your Site will no longer be visible in the Student's directory view for Students in that Program. 

Renaming Tracks

You can rename an existing Track. Click the Rename button on the track listing, change the name, and then click Rename again to confirm the name change. Any School Programs who have approved that track for their students will be notified of the name change. Their relationship with the track will remain.


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