Applies to: Students at BAPIC, SCAPTP
The first step in applying to practicum sites is to register an account with PracticumFit. Your program administrator will send you an email from PracticumFit with information on logging in to your account for the first time.
Important: You will not be able to apply to and rank training sites until you have registered and paid for your account.
- Your school admin will invite you. Your school program administrator will create an invitation for you to access the PracticumFit website to participate in your match.
- You will receive a welcome email. Look for a message from in your school email account. This welcome email provides you with a link to the login page for your match, and a temporary password for your account. Your user name is the email address that the welcome email was sent to.
Some notes on logging in for the first time:
- If you can't find your welcome email, please check your spam folder as well as your main inbox.
- Your program admin can also resend this email if you have lost it.
- If you have waited to long to accept an invitation and the system tells you your temporary password is expired, you can reset it using the 'Forgot your Password?' link on the login page.
- Navigate to the login page for your match. Enter your login email and the temporary password.
- Be sure you copy your password correctly.
- Be sure there are no extra space characters at the beginning or end of your user name or the password.
- Your login email will automatically be converted to all-lower-case letters. If you're not sure of your login email address, double-check the address you received the welcome email at.
- Set a new password. Reenter the temporary password you were given one more time, and then create your own new password to access the system. The password must be 8 characters or more and include a number and a symbol. As with all online accounts, keep your password private and protected. Do not share it with others.
- Add your profile information. Your email, program, and school are already recorded in PracticumFit. Provide your name and (optional) contact information on the next page.
- Provide your attestation. You'll be asked to attest that you understand the terms and rules of the match you are going to participate in. You must confirm your understanding in order to join in the match, as the results will be binding for you and the site you match with.
- Pay any applicable fee. Next, if there is a fee associated with your match, you will be asked to enter your credit card information. The fee covers one match cycle. PracticumFit employees never see or store your credit card information.
- You're all set! If your payment is successful, you will see a confirmation, and you are now ready to participate in the match.
Welcome to PracticumFit!